What Others Had to Say...

“Thanks to a parliamentary procedure training session Diana did with the board two years ago, our meetings run smoothly and efficiently. Because of that, we are more proficient which has led to our establishing goals and carrying them out effectively. Often when people volunteer to be on a board, they have no understanding of how meetings should be conducted. The workshop was extremely informative and Diana has the ability to make a difficult subject matter interesting and understandable. As President, it has given me greater confidence when chairing a meeting. The Board Members feel more confident and as a result are more prepared to speak up.”

~Joan Brady

“This course is a must for all board members both new and old. It is easy to get lazy about procedure. Meetings are so much more efficient when we know what we are supposed to be doing and use correct procedures. ”

~ Lois Gangl

“I came in with very little knowledge of how to act and proceed in the proper manner at meetings in general. This has helped me to have more understanding and confidence when attending board meetings and following proper procedures. ”

~ Dave Heatley

“Diana is knowledgeable, professional, and offers insights that really benefit the organization. I would highly recommend her to any organization that is looking for ways to effectively run their organization. ”

~Joan Brady

“A very thorough and interesting course that increased my understanding of parliamentary procedures and its importance to the running of a structured, efficient meeting. The training emphasizes the use of the correct edition of Robert’s Rules Newly Revised. It gives you tools to create a great meeting environment. ”

~ Linda Granholm

“This was my first formal introduction to board training and made the information clear and easily understood. This will make my Board membership more productive. ”

~ Eric Solash

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Good Governance Made Easy™


    New to seasoned decision makers in the nonprofit, private, and public sectors - all levels of government. Decision makers are on boards, councils, and are members of an association.


    Fundamental procedural knowledge is needed to promote good governance in any organization and to fully participate in the democratic decision-making process. Communication confidence grows with relevant knowledge and practise.


    An interactive, learning experience focused on good governance and meeting procedures, practices and processes; and gaining transferable meeting skills and tools to make a difference.


  • What is parliamentary procedure?

    Parliamentary procedure refers to the rules of democracy — that is, the commonly accepted way in which a group of people come together, present and discuss possible courses of action, and make decisions. Parliamentary procedure also defines what duties people typically have when they are elected the president, secretary, or treasurer of an organization. (National Association of Parliamentarians)

  • Why use parliamentary procedure?

    Parliamentary procedure is common law under the doctrine of precedents in court, in legislatures, and its common use in non-legislative assemblies regarding the conduct of meetings and making decisions. The principles of parliamentary law serve as the foundation for meeting rules. Common parliamentary law has been enforced by the courts regarding various procedures.

  • Where is parliamentary procedure used?

    Parliamentary procedure is used by decision-making bodies in government and all three sectors - public, private, and nonprofit/voluntary.

  • What is the purpose of the presiding officer ("chair")?

    As the highest ranking officer at the meeting, the chair ensures participants respect one another and respect the rules for the meeting. The chair follows the agenda, maintains order, ensures fairness and equality. In order to be successful, the chair needs to know more about the rules than the participants.

  • When should I consult a qualified Parliamentarian?

    A qualified Parliamentarian brings expertise that benefits all types and sizes of organizations: to assist in the preparation for and serve at annual meetings/conventions; review and revise bylaws; provide parliamentary opinions; and, provide training on governance and meeting rules.

  • What if we have not adopted Robert's or another parliamentary authority?

    In the absence of a parliamentary authority or special rules of procedure adopted by an assembly as to how meetings are to be conducted, parliamentary principles shall govern the meeting. The meeting should operate in accordance with common parliamentary law and procedure to avoid problems and legal issues.

  • What are the principles of parliamentary procedure?

    The principles of parliamentary law are to balance the rights of people within the total membership. The rules are based on the regard for the rights of: the majority, the minority, especially a strong minority - greater than one-third, individual members, absentees, and all of these together.

  • Who adopts the parliamentary authority?

    In non-legislative assemblies, a parliamentary authority is typically adopted by membership and included in the bylaws.

  • What are bylaws?

    Bylaws are a social contract between the members and the organization, and among the members. All members, directors, and officers are bound by the bylaws. A breach of the bylaws may not be actionable in law for damages but rather the remedy is punishment of the offending member according to the bylaws. The power and authority to change the bylaws should be stated in the bylaws.

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